Meillä severikoneessa vaihtui uudempiin osiin. Meillä tuli semmoinen ongelma että integroitu äänipiiri ja verkkokortti ei tunnistu openSuse 10.2. 64bit. Uusimmat päivitykset ovat haettu. Selaisin foorumeita läpi niin osu silmään semmoinen juttu että ne toimisi uusimmalla kernelillä
Mutta sitä ei tule päivityksien kautta. En ole koskaan asentanut käsin kerneliä. Englanti ei ole mulla täydellinen niin ohjeet ovat vähän sekavat. Onko jossain suomenkieliset ohjeet ja/tai Suselle (englannniksi)?
Onko se kattavaa laittaa erikseen vai odottaa uutta päivityksien kautta??
Tuolta sen jutun bongasin. IGP (Integrated Graphics Processor) for this board is equivalent to a nvidia 6100 card. The nvidia driver supports this card. The kernel supports it (from my experience may be wrong) from kernel 2.6.18 upwards. I.e.: my standard 2.6.17 kernel didn't know the card so the drivers did not recognise it either.
These are the corresponding patch logs from the various kernel versions:
Quote:Originally Posted by "2.6.18 Changelog"
commit 4c0c2fd486b6598e37c77b5d81a08bc2d948aa7b
Author: Ayaz Abdulla
Date: Thu May 25 13:10:38 2006 -0400
[PATCH] pci_ids: add new device ids
This patch adds new device ids for MCP61 and MCP65 chips.
Quote:Originally Posted by "2.6.19 Changelog"
commit f3838ba9204cd8af83c4358379221af66d77714e
Author: Dan Cyr
Date: Tue Sep 26 15:32:35 2006 +0200
[ALSA] hda-intel - New pci id for Nvidia MCP61
Added the new PCI id to support Nvidia MCP61 in snd-hda-intel driver.
Quote:Originally Posted by "2.6.20 Changelog"
commit 5b005a0126bc2a2be3ae2c333d56e91bd5e2d8a6
Author: Peer Chen
Date: Tue Oct 31 15:33:42 2006 +0100
[ALSA] Audio: Add nvidia HD Audio controllers of MCP67 support to hda_intel.c
Add the support for HD audio controllers of MCP51,MCP55,MCP61,MCP65 & MCP67.
So I would go with a very new kernel, to check which kernel you are currently running, do: uname -r in the terminal. It must be 2.6.18 or higher for the graphics card to work. Remember newer is better, the onboard sound card wont work without 2.6.19 and then it hardly works at all. I recommend having a spare network card and sound card lying around.
In fact I recommend the 2.6.20 kernel once it's released, of course you may think that is too much trouble and get a better supported board.
So in short: it's almost 100% supported, at least it will detect most of your stuff with 2.6.19 and the appropriate drivers. Hope that helps. If anyone has a question do post it as I'm happy to help out.