RATKAISU LÖYTYI! Nyt vaan ohjepaikkaan ei pääse jostain syystä
Mut sieltä onneks tulostin ohjeen, joka toimi! Eikä sen mukaan tarvitse poistaa mitään .KDE eikä .KDE4-hakemistoakaan
sudo zypper ar
http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Qt44/openSUSE_11.0/" "KDE:Qt"
sudo zypper refresh
sudo zypper up -t package
sudo zypper dup
Eli ensin asetetaan QT44 asennuslähteeksi ja sitt päivitetään KDE, Qt ja muut asennuslähteet
ja toimi ainakin mulla KDE 4.1.1 on palannut ruotuun eli käyttöön
Enkä saanutkaan vyöryttää Sussua oikein kunnolla... no nautitaan sitt näin, niin kuin ennenkin
ps nyt pääsin sinne:
http://forums.opensuse.org/ http://forums.opensuse.org/applications/391966-kde-4-1-1-upadate-checkerboard-problem.html ja siellä 2-sivulta
Re: KDE 4.1.1 Upadate Checkerboard Problem
Ok guys, here is the deal.
The recent update of KDE-4.1 from KDE4:Factory did not have all the dependencies for all the packages. What was missing was libqt4-4.1.1 package. Due to this missing dependency, kde4base, kdebase4-runtime and some plasma theme packages were not upgraded. So most of the packages were upgraded but not all. Due to this incosistency we had to face the "checker-board". (We can coin it as a term )
To resolve this issue, just add the QT4 build service repo to your repository list.
sudo zypper ar "
http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Qt44/openSUSE_11.0/" "KDE:Qt"
sudo zypper refresh
Once thats done, update all the packages
sudo zypper up -t package
sudo zypper dup
Thats it. Restart your system and you should have your favourite KDE4 back with all its charm .
There is *no need* to delete or move ~/.kde4 or ~/.kde and loose all your settings. There is also *no need* to reinstall all the KDE4 packages.
- Thejaswi Raya