Tässä on nämä FreeRAA:n ohjeet yastissa: FreeRA - FreeRA - A reimplementation of the gaming engine from the RTS Command & Conquer RedAlert
FreeRA is a reimplementation of the gaming engine of the classic real time strategy game Command & Conquer RedAlert.
NOTE: FreeRA requires original .mix files from Red Alert. Copy those files from Red Alert CD's to the directory \$HOME/FreeRA/data/mix or /usr/share/freera/data/mix/
You need at least main.mix and redalert.mix.
Both files can be found on either Red Alert CD. Both CDs have the maps for both campaigns but only the videos for one.
Kävin ensin hakemassa tuon Red Alertin tuolta
http://www.ea.com/redalert/news-detail.jsp?id=62. Voiko tuota versiota asentaa edes linuxiin?
Sitten poltin hakemani levyt cd levyille.
Asensin FreeRA Yastin kautta ja lisäsin kansioon /usr/share/games/FreeRA/data/mix MAIN.MIX ja REDALERT.MIX tiedoston. Miten tässä sitten etenen?
Tuoltakaan ei paljon apuja tullut
http://freera.sourceforge.net/ : How do I get the game to work?
To get the game to work you need the main.mix and redalert.mix files from the original redalert 1 cd. Copy these 2 files in the 'freera++/data/mix folder'. Than in the 'freera++' folder type: 'scons' or 'make'. After this the game can be started with ./freera.
Voisiko joku vääntää rautalangasta?
Kun käynnistän winellä setup95/setup.exe niin tulee herja: Setup Warning
Windows 5.1 is currently running. This version of Red Alert is a Windows 95 only product.