Tuolla muualla käydään jo 'kuumeisena' keskustelua KDE:n versiosta seuraavassa distroversiossa(an)
esim Kubuntu 8.04:ssa tulee KDE 4.02, kun .03 ei ehdi föliin, mutt Sussulla on tällä kertaa toisin.
OpenSuse 11 tulee (onneksi) julki hiukka myöhemmin ja saa siksi pakettiinsa uudemman KDE 4:n, mutta minkä?
January - KDE 4.0.1
February - KDE 4.0.2
March - KDE 4.0.3
April - KDE 4.0.4
May - KDE 4.0.5
June - KDE 4.0.6
July - KDE 4.1.0
August - KDE 4.1.1
* 1.1 April 7th, 2008: Soft Feature Freeze
* 1.2 April 22nd, 2008: Tag KDE 4.1 Alpha 1
* 1.3 April 29th, 2008: Release KDE 4.1 Alpha 1
* 1.4 May 19th, 2008: Hard Feature Freeze
* 1.5 May 20th, 2008: Message Freeze.
* 1.6 May 20th, 2008: Tag KDE 4.1 Beta 1
* 1.7 May 27th, 2008: Release KDE 4.1 Beta 1
* 1.8 June 17th, 2008: Tag KDE 4.1 Beta 2
* 1.9 June 24th, 2008: Release KDE 4.1 Beta 2
* 1.10 July 8th, 2008: Artwork Freeze
* 1.11 July 8th, 2008: Tag KDE 4.1 RC 1
* 1.12 July 15th, 2008: Release KDE 4.1 RC 1
* 1.13 July 22nd, 2008: Tag KDE 4.1
* 1.14 July 29th, 2008: Release KDE 4.1
KDE 4.1:ssä, sitt heinäkuussa kun on ihan mukevia jutskia:
* Plasma with widgets on canvas, makes things like layouting much easier, and generally integrating widgets into plasmoids
* Webkit in plasma
* Apple dashboard widgets support in Plasma
* Decibel VOIP and real-time communication framework
* Dragon Player multimedia player
* More polished kopete
* KDevelop and KDevplatform
* KDE-PIM, based on Akonadi
* GetHotNewStuff2 / DXS
* Plasmagik plasma packages and add-on creator
* Lots of smaller features
Impressive huh? Actually, a lot of those things is close to being done already, and of course, we'll be seeing the 'usual', but nonetheless important things like performance improvements, UI polish, artwork updates, translation and localisation improvements, bugfixes, newly ported applications, new 'smaller' features in applications, new plasmoids, more data on GetHotNewStuff, new KWin compositing effects, and so on ...
Oon pahoillani, ett nää aikataulut on leikattu toisesta keskustelupalstan ketjusta, mutt ku oon kyllästyny lukemaan 'Suse'-juttuja esim Ubuntun sivuilta... Mieluummin lukisin niistä täältä