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Vs: Announcing openSUSE on ARM Release Candidate 1
« Vastaus #100 : 02.05.2014 - klo:13:02 »
Aufbruchstimmung…..Here is what you missed at oSC14
2 May 2014, 12:59 pm

oSC14 took place in Dubrovnik, Croatia, attracting a large number of Geekos to give and attend talks, organize and attend workshops and have fun at the parties. Compared to previous conferences the attendance at oSC14 was unfortunately on the lighter side of things but never the less we all had a great time. Since oSC13 we certainly had our trials and tribulations which we have left behind us and the mood was extremely positive with everyone being ready to move forward. The many hallway discussions had people discussing the new booth boxes, the progress on openQA and the staging model for Factory development. We shared articles on the event already, had 13K viewers on Bambuser and here we try to provide a bit of a closing overview!

We made new friends in an area of the world where open source and openSUSE may not be as prevalent as it is in other parts of the world. The event organization was outstanding and the venue location close to the old town of Dubrovnik welcomed all Geekos with open arms.

The sessions The sessions were divided in a number of tracks, including:

    • End user, where sessions about the Jolla phone, ownCloud and the Bodega appstore brought the user in each of us up to the latest state of affairs.
    • Business, mostly about implementation of openSUSE and related technologies like ARM and OpenStack.
    • Technology development gave room for learning about (and often discussing) openSUSE and FOSS technologies like High Availability and openQA.
    • Community and project about openSUSE subjects like the conference next year, the Travel Support Program, Marketing and so on
The event was streamed on bambuser and we had over 13,000 views! All sessions were encoded and uploaded just a couple of hours after the last workshop came to a close on Monday to the opensusetv channel on YouTube. With 50 sessions all of those that missed out on oSC14 have plenty to watch and you can start right now if you want!

Aside from these tracks, there was an openSUSE Project/TownHall meeting, Keynote and of course a track of BoF sessions where openSUSE technologies and plans were discussed. Last but not least, there was an opening party on on Thursday evening and a big party on Sunday night. We also tried something new this year in that we had no room moderators and with that bestowing the power upon speakers to “kick” a previous speaker that may overrun out. No one was harmed in any way and speakers stayed within their allotted slots. You can read more about the sessions in the daily articles: day 1, day 2 and day 3 and 4.

Throughout the event people were busy taking pictures and with an upload of over 600 pictures. Our flickr pool can be found here. More pictures here and here.


Town Hall On Sunday morning, the Board chaired a townhall meeting where the conversation that included people in the #opensuse-project channel on IRC freenode centered around two primary discussion topics:

  • focus of the distribution
  • the release cycle
Strategy and Focus With openSUSE having gone through a rough patch lately, related to a stranded ‘strategy’ discussion, the attendees debated what it really is that openSUSE, as a project, needs. A widely shared conclusion was that everybody always needs everything. A ruby hacker might want a good Ruby stack. But then, Apache has to work, too, and so does MySQL. Go on and it turns out you need it all. coolo explain this just perfectly here.

‘Focus’ on a distro-wide level is something that we do not want to dictate or pursue. Rather, we believe that the current model in which various teams focus on their interests provides the best approach for openSUSE. For example the various desktops are all well integrated and all desktop teams focus on providing a great “end user” experience. As such we want to continue to encourage the different teams in openSUSE to set clear directions and goals for themselves, something that allows potential new contributors to find out what speaks to them most and join that effort.

This keeps openSUSE the fun and open place it is and should be – yet allows clear goals to steer development. Relationships in the project are strong and good enough to navigate any conflicts and the board can play a role in that area if needed.

We all agreed that our “kick ass” feature of the distribution is the full integration of the build service and that this is not nearly advertised enough.

Lifecycle The lifecycle of openSUSE is still open for continued dialog and will be ongoing for a while. We recognized that nailing this down now may be a bit pre-mature. Work on the staging and ring model is still in full swing. It would be great to have more contributors to the effort to mold OBS into an even more powerful tool that will allow us to make releases easier and have a more stable “rolling release” with Factory Tested. In this new model Tumbleweed would continue to serve it’s current purpose of accumulating newer versions of packages considered stable by their developers on top of the previous release.

Party As usual, a party was organized by the conference team. The location was excellent, can’t beat a pub at the beach, giving a great view on the gorgeous coast line around Dubrovnik. Everybody was delighted to hear that the bikini Andrew had bought for the occasion was too small and he used a decently sized speedo shared with him by another visitor. In the end, we managed to avoid the worst (neither link for the faint of heart). Three Geekos even went for a swim but the rest considered it too cold, too wet or both and stayed away from the Mediterranean Sea. Meanwhile, we did a group photo with a thank-you to Hans, who plans to organize oSC15 but couldn’t join us this year.

After the group photo, there was great food followed by dancing into the wee hours, details of which will remain in Dubrovnik!

Looking ahead: oSC15 Den Hague, Netherlands! The announcement shared by the board in the opening session and later detailed in a talk was the location and plans for the openSUSE Conference 2015. Unfortunately Hans de Raadt, the lead of the oSC15 organization team was unable to attend oSC14 and Bruno Friedman lead the presentation about Den Hague as the oSC15 location. As the only Dutchy on the premises, Jos Poortvliet read a message during the townhall meeting from Hans to the community in the best Dutch accent he could muster.

So, oSC15 will be in the international city of peace, justice and excellent Surinaamse Roti in the April-May timeframe next year. We hope that more of us Geekos will be able to come together to carry the spirit of openSUSE and share the invigorating conversations and knowledge exchange the conference brings with it. The organization for oSC15 will get rolling in the next month or so and help will be needed, so think about volunteering.

Overall Dubrovnik was great to the Geekos, and we hope the Geekos haven’t disturbed the city too much! See you in Den Hague in 2015!

Article written by Robert Schweikert & Jos Poortvliet

Source: openSUSE News


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Vs: Announcing openSUSE on ARM Release Candidate 1
« Vastaus #101 : 05.06.2014 - klo:06:10 »
Jean-Daniel Dodin a.k.a shares his experiences on how to manage a Personal Web Server with openSUSE
14 May 2014, 8:25 pm

Hello :-)

I want to share my experience in managing a personal hosted web server with openSUSE.

Two points, first.

  • I’m not a computer professional, but an openSUSE addict since 1996;
  • I will describe the use of hosted server, that is one that is not in your home, but somewhere in the cloud, but is still a hardware machine reserved to your own usage.

Why should I need my own server? There are two main reasons.
  • The first is fun. It’s fun to use openSUSE Linux to manage a server. It’s fun to ba able to say to friends “I have my own web site, I can manage one for you if you want”. It’s fun to be able to setup the computer to fit your precise needs, without having to cope with shared hosting never having the good php version or refusing ssh access. It’s fun to learn how to manage such a frightening beast, it’s fun to reach a new knowledge level.
  • The second is friendliness and sharing. Nowadays, the cloud is everything. Internet is the key. Families are spread all over the world as are friends. To be able to share data, that is images, videos, comments, technical notes is essential. Managing it’s own server is the most effective way to do so.
Why a hosted server? The first thing one try to do is manage it’s own server at home. It’s easy, most of the time any old hardware do the job -my first one was a 386 laptop with broken screen- (yes, a server do not need screen).

But one will pretty fast notice that the DSL line is not the best internet connection for this use. DSL is usually named “ADSL”, the “A” being for “Asymmetrical”. The speed of the data is approx 10,000 for downloading and only 1,000 for uploading (the real unit do not matter), that’s why it’s so difficult to send photos to a friend. So each time somebody wants to get something from your server at home, he will have to wait forever.

An other reason is cost. It’s not so cheap to have at home a computer running 7/7 and 24/24. Even is you can find a place where the noise is not a problem, power consumption is not that cheap. The simpler computer is like letting a bulb on all the time and my mother kept saying to me “please, switch off the light” :-).

I can’t know for you, but in France, where I live, hosting providers are really cheap. My own provider price list varies largely depending on the moment. Last year one could borrow a server for as low as $3 a month, just when I write it’s $8 for the smaller one. The one I use now cost me approximately $35 a month but have 4 processors, 8 threads, 2Tb Hard drive and 24Gb ram, that is much more than my desktop computer!

And for this price, I have 100Mbits symmetrical network, a fixed IP and a professional staff to maintain the hardware.

The drawback is that I have to manage the software myself entirely, but it’s exactly why I wanted a server so no complain on that :-).

Last word: When I say hosted, I don’t mean it’s you that have to provide the hardware. The hardware is property of the provider and maintained by him.

What do I need on my server? Before doing anything in the life, one have to ask himself “why”? Same for a server. Right now I use my server to host my photo collection (more than 30,000 photos), my videos (much less in number, but very heavy in size), my personal wiki with all my technical notes and a blog. Also my personal mail server that I find to be more reliable than many professional ones. All this do not take more than 100Gb disk space, so there is a lot of free space where I can backup some data for friends or Linux groups I work with.

What is the real task? I try to write down all what I do, let only to remember it myself! Of course it’s not very well organized, but my wiki page lists this, and I plan to discuss this with you now and in the future. Not being a professional, many things I do are not that good or not that smart. I always accept constructive criticisms and tips, and will be glad to receive them.

Partition and large disk

  • VirtualBoxHost
  • VirtualBoxGuest
  • Kimsufi-kernel-and-boot-setup-3 (old pages Kimsufi-kernel-and-boot-setup-2)
  • OpenSUSE-small-server_basics-3 (old pages OpenSUSE-small-server_basics-2 OpenSUSE-small-server_basics)
  • User creation/move/data move
  • Hostname
  • Communicating-with-the-server-3
  • Installing-ntp-2
  • MySQL-2
  • Installing-Apache
  • Installing-ftp
  • Remote-access-VNC
  • Remote-access-NX
  • Postfix-configure-2
  • Dovecot-configure-2
  • Configure Squirrel webmail (June 2011)
  • Install Piwigo
  • Archive mails in a way one can read the archives
  • Display server’s logs
  • Reinstal a Kimsufi server
  • install php scripts
  • Passphrase autentication with ssh
  • Complete backup of a server
  • EditCron
What I wont cover As you see in this list, I use VirtualBox. This mean I use virtual server on my own server. I only begun to do so after several years of work, so I wont -yet- discuss this option here, I didn’t remove this item from the list, because I may at some point talk about it, incidentally.

The beginning: partitioning and installing Partitioning Installation on a hosted server is not as easy as on a local machine, because you don’t have any DVD access. The way you can access your computer depends on the provider. Mine gives the client a large choice of Linux distributions (among other systems), including openSUSE, and can deliver the server with a basic install and ssh access. One have also a rescue access (similar to openSUSE rescue access) to the server in case the machine do not boot anymore, but this is as friendly as is the rescue disk, better not have to use it too often.

Along the years, I have tested many partitioning schemes, and turn back to the simplest. Fact is on a remote server it’s difficult to manage several installations, like one do with dualboots –you don’t have access to a boot menu!

You can have one or two disks, the goal of two disks being to use raid 1 -my provider offers free change of damaged hardware- but one have to reconstruct it’s own raid. Using half the disk size as raid is pretty expensive, and simply having two disks for raid usually makes you shift to an other price list. I simply do not see any real reason to use raid on such server. After all if my personal server is out of business for some hours, nobody will notice (or nearly), We will see later than I use an other server as a backup.

So simple partitioning. On my own server I had problems with the default (provider) partitioning –yast didn’t like it- but I could reinstall the system and choose a simple configuration:

/dev/sda1 20Gb /

/dev/sda2 512Mb swap

/dev/sda3 1,8Tb /home

Notice I have a very small swap. I probably could have simply avoided to use swap (with 24Gb ram!), but I have this as default and kept it and it’s used by some application (496Kb), I don’t know why.

Actual system size is very low, so the 20Gb root size is much more than necessary, but like this the risk to have /tmp or /usr grow excessively is smaller and with 2Tb total size, why discuss?

Installation Each provider have it’s own install interface, like any Linux distribution do, so I wont speak about it and say what is the result when, finally, you get the ssh prompt :-),

My provider provides a specific Kernel, also available as “net boot”. This is very interesting, because it’s always patched against all the problems, and, after all, you have never to change hardware on a hosted computer, and so one can reboot it’s server against net boot in case something go wrong. But the usual way is to boot normally, the hardware being provided with the kernel installed in /boot.

But, believe it or not, I was years before noticing the kernel was NOT part of default openSUSE install by the provider! It simply added manually the provider disk image. During these years I simply thought the hardware was not standard and that was the reason openSUSE couldn’t boot. I know today it’s wrong, because I had to use the standard kernel to make use of virtualization.

That said, I urge you to use the provider’s kernel if it exists, because it’s much more convenient and simplify eventual problems with the providers maintenance staff.

To get rid of the provider kernel I had to remove the /etc/grub.d/06-something-providersname config file and install the default kernel with YaST. Configure the boot system with YaST and reboot. The file in grubd is only used if it’s executable, so “chmod a-x” is enough to make it unavailable (and easily recovered if necessary).

Test and retest! Before going to use the server in production, test it as long as necessary, two or three months not being ridiculous. Chance is you will reinstall several times during this period and it’s always better to have as few as possible work to do again. Don’t forget any critical error may need to use the recovery console or reinstall the system.

Write down the exact partition scheme. It can happen that reinstalling with the exact same partitions makes you able to recover at least the data untouched. Not sure, just a guess…

Works tricks On my server the initial installation was extremely small, may be smaller than the minimal server install openSUSE gives. For sure, no YaST! You are lucky if you have zypper! May be you only have rpm!

So first things to install is zypper (you may have anyway some way to download rpm files, see providers help), then “zypper in yast”,

There having ncurse YaST is extremely handy, but yast2 (graphic) is much more, so it’s a good idea to install a minimum graphic system, then use “ssh -Y root@yourdomain.yourtld” to have yast2 displayed locally.

The basics Fixed IP With the server you must have a fixed IP. This mean you have an IP of your own. This may be the case -or not- for your home network. It means also you have to take double care of what you do, because you sign all your passage with your IP. This also mean most server in the net will trust you better exactly for the same reason, they know you.

Using certificates is an all other thing I wont discuss now.

Update The very first thing you have to do is update your system. The first install is always from initial data and a server have to be uptodate. As soon as you have zypper, do a “zypper ref & zypper up”, Be prepared to see things shine, you get a semi-professional bandwith, at least. Mine is 100Mb symetrical, pretty pleasant.

Having an automatic update through yast is challenged. A professional server manager may not like it (always fearing an update break his system), but on your case, I beg you may be weeks before connection as root on the server and updating is important, so go for it.

Installs software Don’t forget to install and launch sshd! Else at the first reboot you will have no mean to log in your server!

Depending of your initial install you will probably have to install a lot of things. My provider installed a very minimal system. I had to install nearly all by hand. Begin to install all the meaningful YaST modules (search for yast in software install). I had yast (mandatory!), but not yast2 (no gui) when using “ssh -X -C” to connect then yast2 is much friendlier. Notice that ssh -X seems to need a minimal X install. I use to install xfce4 (but not to run it at boot).

I didn’t write down all what I installed. A short list is probably: mc, w3m, yast2-gtk and qt, vsftpd (ftp), dovecot (mail imap/pop3), mrtg (http statistics), inn (news server), mailman (list server), spamassassin (spam fighter), apache2, ntp (time sync), tightVNC (remote admin). X and xfce may be useful some day. You even may have to install vim if you get only minimal vi.

Don’t forget to activate the necessary services in YaST, system, services (run levels).

Using patterns is friendly, but for example I ended with libreoffice and Gimp, not really necessary on a web server :-) (don’t forget eventually to remove them :-).

Firewall Do you need a firewall is an other controversial question. Your server is alone in it’s network, not  a gateway. Unused ports are by the way closed. Open ports are managed par the application that listen. But Firewall is said to manage better than other applications things like attacks. It may also block things done by your others users (you will soon have to host friends). So may be better have a firewall.

Default openSUSE firewall is SuSEFirewall2. Most options are setup with the YaST2 module.

The main error to avoid is to launch the firewall before having setup the ssh opening – doing so you will lose the connection to the server…

Test the firewall: (but from the tested computer).

Add as allowed:


  • smtp (postfix)
  • http (apache)
  • https
  • VNC
  • vsftp
X11 forwarding  To be able to use graphical applications is sometime mandatory. The easiest way is to allow X1 forwarding. This makes graphical apps to display right in your local console.

To allow X11 forwarding to work on modern distributions, you have to add

X11Forwarding yes

#X11UseLocalhost no

AddressFamily inet

to “/etc/ssh/sshd_config”.

then log in with “ssh -X -C [-p ] url

Notice: I keep the “X11UseLocalhost no” in the list (but not activated thanks to #) because it’s often given as a working solution. But I was said that the problem is an obscure IPV6 problem and that “AddressFamily inet” instruct ssh to use IPV4 and is much more secure, so better use it.

To be continued. On the next article, we will discuss how to configure the server, give it a name, communicate with it, setup mysql (in fact mariadb) and finally apache :-).

Article Contributed by Jean-Daniel Dodin

Source: openSUSE News


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Vs: Announcing openSUSE on ARM Release Candidate 1
« Vastaus #102 : 05.06.2014 - klo:06:10 »
openSUSE Edu Li-f-e MATE available
19 May 2014, 7:38 pm

The openSUSE-Education team is proud to present a special, 64-bit edition of openSUSE Edu Li-f-e with the MATE desktop environment.

Li-f-e MATE desktop

Li-f-e MATE edition came about to support schools in Gujarat, India, they needed synfig studio: a very simple to use C and Java IDE, apart from standard fare of complete office suite and other applications. Gujarat now starts teaching open(libre)office in 9th grade, and Linux operating system all the way to shell scripting in 10th, and Java, C, HTML, Javascript etc in 11th and 12 grades. This Li-f-e edition tries to get everything they need in an integrated bundle which they can use on a stand alone PC or set up LTSP server to PXE boot their entire lab without having to modify their existing setup on the client PC side.

The MATE desktop was choosen as default desktop manager as it looks close to the pictures in their textbook, however latest GNOME desktop is also available at the login screen. MATE is well known for being a traditional desktop environment, a fork of the classic GNOME 2 session. It uses a two-panel layout and darkish theme, as well as a neat collection of educational apps, such as gElemental, Scilab, Xcos, Scinotes, Geany, Inkscape, Synfig Studio, Bluefish, Epoptes, and LTSP.

Default applications include the Pidgin multi-protocol instant messenger, Mozilla Firefox web browser, GIMP image editor, pluma text editor, VLC Media Player, as well as the entire LibreOffice office suite.

Download the operating system as a Live DVD ISO image that must be burned onto a DVD discs or written on a USB flash drive in order to boot it from the BIOS of the PC.

As with all openSUSE-Education releases, we based on the recently released openSUSE (13.1) with all the official online updates applied.

Get Li-f-e MATE from here: direct Download | md5sum | Alternate download and mirrors

Quoting Marius Nestor on :

openSUSE Edu Li-f-e MATE is a surprise addition to the educational edition of the award winning and widely used openSUSE Linux operating system. The MATE desktop environment will provide for a faster working environment suitable for classroom use.

Source: openSUSE News


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Vs: Announcing openSUSE on ARM Release Candidate 1
« Vastaus #103 : 05.06.2014 - klo:06:10 »
Spreading the Word on the Geeko – Support is Back!
21 May 2014, 11:13 am

openSUSE Booth

Spreading the word about our project has again become a little bit easier. As announced during the Opening Keynote at oSC14 the reimbursement program for locally produced materials is BACK!

We would like to thank Jim Henderson, who will lead the team, Shawn Dunn, and Alexandros Vennos for volunteering their time to manage the requests. The program is funded with up to $200 US per event with a limit of $2000 US per quarter. The initiative is no limited to events as in small local conferences. If you need material for a local LUG meeting or if you can produce material for a “permanent” display of openSUSE in a University or other public place of interest use this program.

promoting openSUSE

How does it work? The process is outlined in the wiki and will share the Travel Support Program application. Basically you will need to submit a request through the application prior to the time of need. The team will evaluate the information and get back to you in a reasonable amount of time. The team may also decide that it may be worth sending out a booth box instead of producing material locally. If you accept the booth box the request will be handled for you if booth boxes are available at the time. After you have approval you can go ahead and produce the material for the event/promotion campaign. Once the event is completed provide a report, blog post on lizards or your own blog for example and submit your receipts. That’s it. For permanent displays, the “event” is obviously “never” over, thus you’d just submit your receipt after you setup the display (hang up the posters), send along a picture and some advertisement, possibly on social media and that’s it.

We tried to keep things as simple as possible while still assuring that there’s some verifiable bang for the buck for our project. After all having posters hanging in someone’s basement does not hep us find more users or contributors.

Geeko's at the booth

What else? A word on the booth boxes and larger events. A list of events where we would like to have people represent our project is in the works and will soon appear on the wiki. Booth boxes for those events have been set aside. Keep an eye out for an announcement about the events list and a call for advocates to represent the project. As a hint, OSCON is happening from July 20-24 in Portland Oregon and we have no one yet organizing a local team to show off openSUSE.

The local production reimbursement program is live and you can start using it today. As we are just starting out there are bound to be some rough edges, thus please be patient, provide as much feedback as possible about the process and the handling of things to allow everyone involved to improve the initiative for everyone that might want to take advantage of it.

Go and spread the word about openSUSE and Have a lot of fun…

Source: openSUSE News


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Vs: Announcing openSUSE on ARM Release Candidate 1
« Vastaus #104 : 05.06.2014 - klo:06:10 »
What Will openSUSE 13.2 Default Wallpaper Look Like?
22 May 2014, 3:21 pm

Eppur si muove! Even though we sometimes feel there’s a sort of a standstill once first major bugs are fixed in a new release and it settles on our machine, that’s not the case by any viable metric. The openSUSE team works diligently on delivering a new release (openSUSE 13.2) ever since 13.1 was released, and among them, we find the artwork team, which is brainstorming the creation and subsequent selection of the new default wallpaper of the next openSUSE release (the awesome picture your desktop defaults to after installation).

Though this is just an initial brainstorming phase, there are a few hints to show us where the default wallpaper appearance is heading.

It all started with an e-mail on the artwork mailing list. As a true community should operate, Victor found a fan-made wallpaper, made by an Uruguayan designer on the local spanish-language openSUSE forum. He made it for the 13.1 release, and it looks like this:

Neat, right?

Soon the other mailing list members agreed it’s a nice suggestion, and started contributing their ideas. First it was suggested to remove the dot between the openSUSE logo and the version number, and later to remove the version number altogether. Right after that, the team got engaged in creating of a nice gradient for wallpaper’s base. It seems it will be a modern, a tad washed, but fresh green gradient which is mixed with a shade of blue:

That’s pretty much how far the team made it for now, since there’s still more then enough time and quite a number of tasks the artwork team needs to fulfill, but the things seem to be moving in the right way after two releases of not much change on the wallpaper and plymouth front.

However, you users also might have an idea, suggestion, or a template on how the wallpaper should look like, or maybe some general ideas. We kindly invite you to become part of the openSUSE community. Read through the artwork mailing list, join our Artwork Flickr community, or suggest artwork via the openSUSE PixelPool.

Or, just wait for awesome geeko’s good looks to amaze you come the beginning of winter. And remember…

…have a lot of fun!

Source: openSUSE News


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Vs: Announcing openSUSE on ARM Release Candidate 1
« Vastaus #105 : 05.06.2014 - klo:06:10 »
Gnome Classic edition of openSUSE-Education
22 May 2014, 8:04 pm

If you have fun, the rest is easy…

Classic main menuThe openSUSE-Education team is proud to announce the availability of another great release: the GNOME classic edition.

This one is nearly identical to the MATE desktop, but already includes a few minor bug fixes and some additional applications:

are added to the (already huge) list of available applications.

Quoting Jigish Gohil:

classic is so much better than standard gnome  i wonder why it is not standard
BTW: openSUSE Education releases always contain the latest official openSUSE updates and other cool stuff, so you should be able to get an up-to date live system up and running in a few seconds/minutes (depending on your hardware) – which can also be installed on your local hard disk with just a few mouse clicks. Just click on the “Live-Install” icon on the desktop.

Get Li-f-e GNOME Classic edition from here: direct Download | md5sum | Alternate download and mirrors

You want to join the team? Just ping us at #opensuse-education. We are hiring community members to help out on web work and marketing (be warned: we currently pay in honor and fun).

Source: openSUSE News


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Vs: Announcing openSUSE on ARM Release Candidate 1
« Vastaus #106 : 05.06.2014 - klo:06:10 »
openSUSE Welcomes its GSoC 2014 students
26 May 2014, 7:22 pm

openSUSE welcomes Google Summer of Code 2014 participants. Thanks to Google, openSUSE has an excellent number of slots and an equally excellent number of mentors and students for Google Summer of Code 2014. Throughuout the summer, students participanting in this program will code for openSUSE and its sister organizations ownCloud, MATE and Zorp and help them move forward. The best part of GSoC is that most of the code written by students will go upstream and will benefit openSUSE in general also. Along with this, we have an equally good range of projects that will improve the existing openSUSE architecture.

The list of successful students are :

  • Travel Support Program application –     Karthik Senthil
  • Playlist Functionality for ownCloud Music App –    Volkan
  • ownCloud Calendar Application in angularJS –    Raghu Nayyar
  • openSUSE GSOC ideas: Cool live flash –    Zsolt Peter Basak
  • Open Source Event Manager (OSEM): Refactor user management model -  Stella Rouzi
  • Open Source Event Manager (OSEM): Implemention Organizer Dashboard –    cbruckmayer
  • MATE: Port from deprecated GStreamer 0.10 –    Michal Ratajsky
  • Integrate Snapper Snapshot browsing into openSUSE Desktop tools -  Oguz Kayral
  • Implement an application-level LBaaS driver for Zorp –    Péter Vörös
  • Extend Git-Review to support BitBucket –    xystushi
  • Event Splash page for Visitors In Open Source Event Manager Application. –    Gopesh Tulsyan
  • ePub support in Atril (MATE) –    Avishkar gupta
  • Add Snapshot management API to libvirt Xenlight driver –    David Kiarie
  • Improving the functionality of the extensions system in Caja  – Alexandervdm
In the following weeks we will talk a lot more about these projects and get to know these students well.

Lets brew some code now.

Source: openSUSE News


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« Vastaus #107 : 05.06.2014 - klo:06:10 »
Command Line Tuesdays  – The Introductory
27 May 2014, 9:12 pm

Hi Geekos! Today we’re introducing a new series, called ‘Command Line Tuesdays‘. Why command line Tuesdays? Because in this series, everyday computer enthusiasts like yours truly, will try to step a little out of bounds of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) Culture, which is today synonymous to ‘making stuff easier for the masses‘.

Of course, if you visited any of the GNU/Linux related community forums, you’ve probably read, and this is an assumption, a very fiery debate over which is actually easier. Using GUI for everything, or simply learning and enjoying the Command-line Interface (CLI).

There are many arguments for or against the use of GUI tools. One of the most commonly referred pros is that we’ve been brought up in the point-and-click computing paradigm, so it’s basically a form of a language, or culture if you may, in which we interact with our machine. The patterns are mostly recurring, with big button clicking doing everything we need it to do.

On the other side, one of the most interesting comments I’ve read about the pros of command-line was: you can simply do more via the command-line much quicker, easier and faster than when using GUI tools. But there’s a catch: you have to learn the commands. Yes, learn them, as if learning a poem.

Now, since to us, the semi-indoctrinated clueless users, it all sounds like some useless geek overreaching and overdoing, let me humanize it with a fable:

The Fable I’ve been using Linux for more then 3 years now. I’m a 27 year old literature major, who never held much of an interest in technology of any sort. I didn’t even own a computer until I was in high-school, so let’s say somewhere around 17. That’s barely ten years of computer usage. The only three programs I ever ran were BS Player, Winamp and Football Manager, with occasional usage of MS Word. Three and bit years ago, a colleague at a precarious job I was performing at the time was talking to another coworker, saying there’s a new edition of something which immediately occupied my attention, as it looked different. It was Ubuntu’s Natty Narwhal, I think. After discussing it with him, he pointed out the usual pros we gospel to the newcomers, no antivirus necessary, faster boot, better security, software center blah blah blah, and the peak of it: Free and Open Source (FOSS) philosophy behind it. And he did it in a very non-invasive, non fanboyish manner.

I decided to give it a go, and I never turned back since then. How I got into openSUSE around the 11.4 release, shortly after trying out Ubuntu for the first time is going to have to fit in another time, and how I find it to be the perfect sweet spot is a whole different story. The point is, I finally entered the Linux realm. It was fun, it was different, it made my computer run better, it was more stable. I barely had issues with it (seems I not-knowingly purchased fairly orthodox hardware). It seems that Linux came really far regarding the desktop, so I barely had to use the terminal. But let’s just say it was one of the most dreadful, terrifying and horrific tools to use in Linux. If there wasn’t a GUI for a specific operation, I immediately became nervous as I didn’t know what I was getting into when copy/pasting commands from the forums.

After time, things changed. As opposed to other consumer-oriented systems, what happened to me was maybe somewhat of a human reverse-engineering. Instead of me consuming the system, I feel that in three years, the system consumed me. I learned how to search for basic issues, file bug reports, properly ask questions on forums. With every issue I had, I learned how to be better at providing the information needed for someone more competent to help me with my problem.

A short while ago, my girlfriend commented how she can’t believe I’m using my computer mostly for the sake of using the computer, rather than doing anything else. ‘You use it only for your music collection and Linux thingies, Nenad. Gaawd.’ It made me think, and think hard. Linux, specifically the openSUSE distro has become a hobby of mine. Not at an expert level, by any means, which is reasonable since it isn’t my area of expertise. But I know enough to get around, fix minor issues, play around with some configuration files etc. But what I came to know, is that with my increasing playing and tinkering around the system, I really need to get familiar with CLI. I learned that I’m playing around without knowing of the basics under the hood. What for crying out loud is ETC?!?!? What’s BIN? Why is there .sh at the end? Why is this file here, and this file there? Why do I have to click through gazillion of folders to find the right file to modify? Then I read you can easily list all the files somewhere with a single command. It became interesting. I suddenly felt an urge to try it out.

So Let’s Do It! …and here we are. As a new openSUSE news contributor, I’ll try to contribute in a way I see productive for what I suppose is a large portion of the community. It’s time to plant the banner and start learning the command-line together. If philosophy is what attracted you to Linux and openSUSE, like me, it got you this far. Now it’s time to take a step further. Look, I know there’s a bunch of you like me out there. I know you maybe don’t see the point in all that 90′s geeky black-screen-green-letters-quick-typing-make-everything-go-boom thing. But it’s useful in many aspects. We’ll learn in a fun and communal way which directories are for what, what files are located where, most commonly used terminal commands. It will make our lives easier when we learn to perform tasks through the console, make it even more rewarding when we run into issues. It will also make the lives of bug-squashers easier when they receive proper information from our end, and it will make our hobby infinitely more fun.

I mean, for crying out loud, you’ve already made a transition to a phase where Dilbert and xkcd are actually funny. It’s time for the terminal!


Reference material that will be used: William Shotts – The Linux Command Line and a short tutorial on most commonly used commands by a Croatian hacker Velimir Baksa aka Lutherus. Requirements on your part:

- An hour or two of spare time weekly

A pint of cold beer or any other beverage

Someone already pointed out that using Gedit, or a manual notepad (you know, pen and paper hehe) would be good for easier learning.

The book by Mr Shotts is exquisite. But there’s probably an issue of time/will-power etc. This way, I’ll try to humanize the lessons a bit more, take some time off your hands, and what’s most important – I count on us learning together, helping each other together (Comments and Forums, people!!) and tying a close-knit openSUSE community! This time next week (it will be June already!), we’ll learn our first commands. And remember…

…have a lot of fun!

Source: openSUSE News


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« Vastaus #108 : 11.06.2014 - klo:01:00 »
Command Line Tuesdays – Part One
10 June 2014, 7:48 pm

Here we are geekos, back in action! Sorry it’s been a while, but let me just assure you we’re back on track, raging to meet the deadlines and to, well, have some fun :)

Now, the whole idea was pretty much completely summed up in the introductory text posted a fortnight ago, so we may get down to business. As the book by Mr. Shotts instructs, we need to know what a shell is, as we’ll be operating withing it, and what a terminal emulator is.

A shell, Mr Shotts states, is actually what we’re talking about when we’re talking about command-line. The shell is basically a program that passes the strokes of your keyboard to your computer, a translator of some sort, so your computer knows what you’re saying. There are many shells in existence, but the most widespread shell used in GNU/Linux distributions is called bash, or Bourne Again Shell. It’s a clever wordplay, as Mr Bourne created the bash’s predecessor, sh, and Brian Fox wrote it as a free alternative for sh. Ahhh, GNU people and their humor, very clever :)


Next thing we need so we can interact with the shell is a terminal emulator. Every Linux distribution comes with one, depending on the desktop environment you use, so it should be Konsole from KDE, Gnome terminal in Gnome etc. Mr. Shotts says you probably develop a preference for one, but I use what the desktop environment provides me, most of the time.

Now, fire up your terminal. You get a line, stating your user name and the machine’s host name. This is called the shell prompt. It means it’s ready for you to enter a command. Let’s try something random. Type in anything, and press enter.

Hehe, remember the introductory saying we need to learn the commands as a poem? There we go, random doesn’t work.

Now, press the up arrow, and you’ll see the command reappear. What’s this sorcery? The up arrow key on your keyboard is for accessing the command history. The terminal saves up to 500 commands you entered, so to not type them over and over, you can look for them with the up/down arrow. The left and right arrows are for moving the cursor within a specific line, so you can edit the text in between. Now there’s another thing – ctrl+v for pasting text doesn’t work. You can set it up as a shortcut somewhere, but it’s usually something else. Check your terminal emulator’s shortcuts! (in Konsole, it’s Settings > Configure shortcuts)

Now, for us not to get the ‘command not found’ slap to the face, let’s try something simple. Type date. (Yes, I didn’t know there’s a command for this, so it’s exciting for me also) :)

There you go. Why bother looking at your built in calendar in the clock, when you can fire up your terminal and type date, and see what day it is :) Just kidding, as Mr Shotts states, it’s a simple command, the more useful/difficult ones are coming next time. The related command to date is cal – it will display the current month’s calendar.

You may also try df, and it will list free space on your drives.


Or free, to display the amount of free memory:


If you’re already in the type-only mood, you can enter the command exit to get out of the terminal emulator instead of pressing the x button.

…and we’ll stop to a halt for this week so it won’t be too much to ingest on your already tight schedule. Too sum it up (you can write this conclusion down, for repetition), in part one, we learned:

  • what is a shell
  • what do we need to communicate with the shell (terminal emulator)
  • navigating the terminal commands with cursor buttons and exiting the terminal
Four simple commands:

  • date – displays the current date
  • cal – displays the current month’s calendar
  • df – shows the amount of free space on your hard drives
  • free – amount of free memory
What will we do next Tuesday? We learn navigation through the file system (what are all those bin etc etc. folders, what are they used for, how to navigate through them via the terminal). Until then…

…have a lot of fun!dog

Source: openSUSE News


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« Vastaus #109 : 25.06.2014 - klo:01:01 »
Command Line Tuesdays – Part Two
24 June 2014, 10:24 pm

Heya geekos!

Let’s refresh our memories. Last week, we skimmed through some basic commands, learned what a shell is actually, and made a steady introduction into our CLI Tuesdays series.

Today’s menu offers something else: navigation through the file system.

Now, the best picture I managed to find on the www is from a site called devopsbootcamp. You can find their tutorials and the rest here. But anyway, here’s a very nice diagram of what a linux root filesystem looks like.


For example, as stated in the above picture, your user directory (where you usually store your movies, music, documents etc.) is located in the /home folder. /home folder is located under /. Then you have the /etc folder, where most of the files for configuration are located. Anyway, you can find the detailed description here, as we’ll not be getting into which folder is for what, until we start using and configuring them. Today is reserved for navigation only. And on that note, let’s get down to the first command of the day…


pwd pwd, or ‘print working directory’ is a very useful command if you think you are lost navigating through the folders. At any given moment, type pwd, and voila! What appears is a complete pathway you took to arrive to this folder. Those guys in The Cube could sure use it, losers.


Imagine yourselves walking from room to room inside a massive apartment, loosing your way. pwd is like the breadcrumb trail leading you to your starting point, so you don’t loose your way inside the folder maze!


cd Now you know in which directory you’re situated thanks to your usage of the pwd command. Now you want to take the next step and move to another directory. Let’s say you have a folder/directory inside your home folder you want to relocate your top secret terminal operation to. For this, you use the ‘cd’ command. cd, or ‘change directory’, will change the location of wanted directory. How do you use it? Simple, type cd and the path to your folder. Let’s say, for example, you want to enter your Hello Kitty picture collection in your home folder. You type ‘cd /home/username/Hello_Kitty’.

As you see, we didn’t use the space bar in the folder name. That’s because the terminal won’t recognize it. Whenever you want to navigate to a folder containing a space in it’s name, you replace it with the underscore character.


Try it out yourself. Navigate to a different directory using cd, and when there, type pwd to see if everything worked as it’s supposed to.

Mr. Shotts’ Shottcuts Mr. Shotts reminds us there are also some shortcuts available.

If you type only cd, without the path following it, your terminal will change your working directory (whatever it may be) to your /home folder.

The same, if you type cd ~user_name it will lead you to the home folder of the specific user you stated.

 Next Week Next week, we’ll head over to the next chapter – we’ll learn how to list files and directories, view text files and classify file’s contents so it will be a bit more work than we’re used to, but I hope you’ll have enough time. Command by command, and if you haven’t the time to do it yourself, we’ll learn the basics together in a matter of months!

and remember…


…have a lot of fun!

Source: openSUSE News


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« Vastaus #110 : 29.06.2014 - klo:07:00 »
Artwork Overhaul a Possibility in openSUSE 13.2?
29 June 2014, 12:53 am

As we stated in one of our earlier articles, the openSUSE team is working full steam. Even though it may sometimes seem quiet news-wise, it’s not so by any means. So, let’s look at the progress the artwork team has been making since the last time we posted about new bling-bling hitting openSUSE 13.2.


Let’s begin with one of the starting points regarding the new design paradigm for openSUSE. An interesting lecture was held during the openSUSE conference in Dubrovnik this year. It’s aptly titled “The Way Forward”. Namely, there’s a problem when we’re talking about the uniformity of openSUSE branding. Basically, there are a few guidelines in existence, which you can find here and here, which define mostly the color palette and appropriate logo use. That’s why probably the two most obvious associations to the openSUSE brand are “green” and “gecko”. But, which way is geeko facing, why that way, which shade of green and why…? It’s all quite vague, or better yet, it has washed out a little over the years.


Two of SUSE’s professional designers, and also members of the openSUSE community (of course) Kenneth Wimer and Zvezdana Marjanović, have decided to create new artwork and branding guidelines to freshen up, modernize and uniform the openSUSE brand, making it good looking, unique and homogenous across the whole product spectrum. You are more than welcome to listen to the whole lecture here, as it’s quite informative. The idea sprung when they were assigned with the task of doing printed material for the conference. The new guidelines (there’s talk about colors, branding, branding process and typography) could , or, to be more accurate, might be a newly paved road for the artwork team to take for the coming releases.


The lecture sprung quite a lively debate on both the mailing list and the official openSUSE forums that resulted in quite a number of ideas. Also, Ken and Zvezdana are working uploading the resources they created so the community could use them in an appropriate way. Today, some of the colors have been translated from CMYK to RGB, and have been uploaded. More is yet to come. The overall feeling is there’s a bit of a blue touch to the existing geeko green, and here’s how it all looks like:


There have also been some attempts in KDE theming, and, considering some of the recent discussion, here’s a new look at some wallpaper suggestions and improvements. Nothing’s official yet, as there’s a lot of work to be done, but it seems to work.

There’s also work being done on LX panel theming, and there has been discussion on greening up GNOME, but we’re yet to see some substantial results for it. The hardest part is definitely behind the team, and that’s setting some base rules and putting things in motion.



The timing is also perfect as KDE will be going through substantial visual changes, so it could be a perfect chance for openSUSE to introduce some desktop branding uniformity without disrupting the users (too much :) ).

Any way, consider this a call to join the debate with your artistic geeko portfolio, suggestions and comments on our mailing list and the forums. Don’t forget our Flickr and Pixel Pool pages. And, of course, we urge you to…

…have a lot of fun! :)

Source: openSUSE News


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« Vastaus #111 : 01.07.2014 - klo:13:01 »
Command Line Tuesdays – Part Three
1 July 2014, 9:04 am

Heya Geekos! New week, new part in our CLT series!

Today, mr Shotts takes us on a first part of a guided tour through our file system. We’ll learn how to visit, list files within directories and we’ll learn to use some options for the first time. So let’s begin with the first command of the week.

ls ls is a command used to list files in a directory. It can be used in various ways. These various ways come with using a form of adding an option to our command. To make things clearer; You can type only ls. But, you can also add an option, which will modify your command. It can come in useful when you want to sandbox some of the information, when looking for something specific, and the command issues a very long output, you can, for example, narrow it down to only specific information.

That’s what an option is. And formally we can write it down like this:

command -option argument

Command is, well, a command we write in (like pwd, ls or anything else we have learned by now).

We already stated above the purpose of an option. But let me note it should be written exactly as it’s in the form; With a dash in front of it. So, if the option is l, you should put -l after the command.

An argument is an object upon which the command operates (in this case, it will be directories, as we’ll learning how to navigate through them).

So, let’s try out ls, and use it on the /etc directory in our home folder. This time, without any options.

Screenshot - 30. 06. 2014 - 18:41:27

There you go, a whole bunch of files. It also sorts them by colours. The blue ones are directories, the white ones are files, the green one seems like a shell script of some sort. There are more colors, as they represent different file types.

Next, you can use the same command, but with an option -l added. Option -l will list the same files and directories, but in a long format. In case you need more information:

Screenshot - 30. 06. 2014 - 18:45:42

The Long Format So, using the long format, you see much more information, and some crazy looking signs like -rw-r–r– at the beginning of all lines. Actually, here’s a scheme, representing what all of the given information actually means.

Screenshot - 30. 06. 2014 - 18:48:29

File Name is the name of the file. Modification time is the last time the file has been modified. Size is the size of the file in bytes. Group is the name of the group that has file permissions along with the owner, and Owner is the user who owns the file. The most important one is…

…File Permissions That’s the gibberish at the beginning of every line in long format. The first character is the file type. If it’s a ‘d’, it means the file’s a directory. If it’s ‘-’, it means it’s an ordinary file. The next three characters represent the read, write and execution rights of the file’s owner. The next three are the same rights of the group that also has access to the file, and the last three characters represent rights of everyone else trying to use the file.

So for example, if we have a file which in long format displays: -rw-r–r–, it means it’s an ordinary file (the first ‘-’), the owner of the file can read and write the file, but he can’t execute it, as it’s not an executable file (the ‘rw-’ characters after the initial ‘-’), and the user group and everyone else can only read the file (you can see ‘r–’ sequence repeating twice. If the user group had ‘rwx’ instead of ‘r–’, it would mean they could read, write and execute the file).

Next option for ls is ls -la .. – this will list all of the files, as in a usual command, hidden files are not shown. It will list all files in the parent of the working directory in long format.

less Less is a command which will display your text file. For example, you’re looking for text file os-release in /etc. You have succesfully found it there with ls /etc, and now you want to read it.

You just use less /etc/os-release.

Screenshot - 30. 06. 2014 - 19:02:52

..and there you go.

How do you control less?

Easy, with your keyboard!

less will display only one page of your text at a time. To go forward one page, you can press Page Up, or ‘b’. To go back one page, you can use Page Down, or space. Capital G will take you to the end of the text file, while ‘1G‘ will take you to the beginning of the text. /characters will search for characters inside the text (for example, if you write /suse, it will search for occurances of suse inside your text and mark them). n will repeat the last search you performed, and h will display all your options (h, as in haalp!).


You quit less with the letter q.

file The file command will show what kind of file is that you’re looking for, be it ASCII text, a jpg image, a bash script etc. As we performed our exercise with /etc/os-release, let’s use it here also.

Screenshot - 30. 06. 2014 - 19:14:02

There you go, os-release is an ASCII text file. Please, do try it out with something else, and see the output.

And until next time, remember to…


…have a lot of fun!  


Source: openSUSE News


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« Vastaus #112 : 04.07.2014 - klo:19:00 »
Join The Geeko Community!
4 July 2014, 3:34 pm

Heya geekos, geekos-to-be, and all other interested parties. This time it’s going to be a short one. We, the geekos kindly invite you to hang out with us!

Yes, hang out. You know a good song you’d like to share with someone to help them kickoff a good and productive day? Do share! Seriously, our forums are well regarded in the FOSS community for being a great source of technical aid by kind and patient people. You’ve probably also stumbled onto the official #opensuse IRC channel, and met a few individuals who were eager to help. But, openSUSE’s web infrastructure has a lot more to offer. There’s our own social network called Connect, for instance. There, you can create your geeko profile and spread your social network with like-minded individuals from all over the world. Then there’s #opensuse-chat on (powered by freenode). And last but not least, the most powerful of them – the openSUSE forums! The help section of the forum is really really active. You see new threads pop up in a matter of minutes. But, what people usually miss out is the ‘Community & Fun’ subforum, where many of us are hanging out, exchanging music videos, book & film recommendations, travelogues from all over the world where our members have been, and for those with only technical inclinations – there have been three systemd discussions in the past month or so :D . Three. (You can also chat in Russian, Dutch, French, Greek, Chinese and German in the localized subforums!)

Yes, we understand many of you feel like ‘we don’t need to pat each other on the back’ for using openSUSE. Granted. But, we all have our reasons for using this great concoction of software. And yes, it deserves to be shown off. And we deserve to have a closely-knit community. The closer together a community is, the more efficient and strong it will become. You’re running openSUSE? Well, you’ve made your first step. You have entered the green realm. And the green realm has cookies. Or was that the dark…ah, never mind :).

Anyway, do join the green side. There’s a lot of fun to be had :D  

Source: openSUSE News


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« Vastaus #113 : 08.07.2014 - klo:19:00 »
Command Line Tuesdays – Part Four
8 July 2014, 2:48 pm

Heya there geekos! New week, new adventure!

Today, we’ll learn how to manipulate files using four fairly simple commands. So let’s begin!

Before we start with the commands themselves, let’s take a quick stop at a section called…

…wildcards: Copying, pasting files, creating directories etc. is probably easier using graphical tools, but, if you’d like to perform more complicated tasks, like copying only .html files from one folder to another, and only copying files that don’t exist in the destination directory, CLI just might come in handy. So, to get back to wildcards, it’s basically a shell feature, a set of special characters, that helps you pick out a set of files based on some simple rules (which characters appear in a file name, how many characters, upper/lower case characters etc.). Here’s the table (click to enlarge):

Screenshot - 08. 07. 2014 - 12:59:46And here are a few examples mr Shotts posted in a table of usage also click to enlarge: Screenshot - 08. 07. 2014 - 12:59:59If you use a command with an argument containing a filename, you can use wildcards with no problem.

cp cp is used to copy files or directories. You can use it pretty easily: navigate to the folder you’d like to copy the files from and to, and simply do

cp file1 file2 – to copy single files,


cp file1 file2 … directory – to copy files from your current working directory to the directory specified. Here’s mr Shotts’ table with numerous options:

Screenshot - 08. 07. 2014 - 13:42:48

mv mv is the second command of the day. We can use mv to rename a file or directory, or to move a file or directory. We can use it this way:

mv filename1 filename2 – if we want to rename filename1 to filename2


mv file directory – if we want to move file to directory.

Here’s a table of few examples of mv with options used with it:

Screenshot - 08. 07. 2014 - 13:35:15rm The rm command removes/deletes files and directories. Usage is pretty straightforward:

rm file


rm -r directory

And here’s also a table with some additional options:

Screenshot - 08. 07. 2014 - 13:35:29But, do be careful when using rm as there is no undelete option, so be extra careful not to inflict unwanted damage to your system!

mkdir mkdir is used for creating directories. It’s the most simple command of the day. Simply:

mkdir directory

Voila, directory created!

So this is it for this week, geekos. Hope to see you next tuesday! All the best and kind regards,









Source: openSUSE News


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« Vastaus #114 : 14.07.2014 - klo:19:00 »
The first openSUSE Asia Summit is announced…
14 July 2014, 3:50 pm

The first ever openSUSE Summit in Asia will take place in Beihang University, Beijing on October 18th and 19th, 2014. We aim to promote the use of openSUSE and other free open source software in the region. We will have a series of talks, discussions and workshops that will induct people into the openSUSE Project. The goal of the Summit is to provide a platform for everyone to understand openSUSE so that it becomes easier to use and contribute to it. It is also a great opportunity for openSUSE contributors and users from all over Asia who have only been interacting online with each other so far, to meet face to face. And to learn about various free and open technologies, sharing experiences with each other and having a lot of fun.

So what are you waiting for? Come join us in beautiful Bejing!

Bejing SkylineBejing Skyline by Michael McDonough. CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0

Source: openSUSE News


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« Vastaus #115 : 15.07.2014 - klo:13:01 »
Command Line Tuesdays – Part Five
15 July 2014, 10:44 am

Yes, you’ve guessed what time it is! It’s time to rrrrrrrrummmbleeeee! And this time, we’ll learn how to work with commands. So without further ado, let’s get to business.

Mr Shotts states that until now, we worked with a few mysterious commands, arguments and options, and today is the day we shed a little light upon that mystery. We’ll learn the following commands and what they do: type, which, help and man. But first, let’s learn…

…what are commands? All great things come in fours, and it’s the same with commands. We can split them up into four categories:

1) An executable program: a command can be an executable program. If you’ve ‘traveled’ across your file system in the previous lessons like you were supposed to, you probably visited the /usr/bin folder. You’ve seen quite a number of familiar names like transmission-gtk, deluge-gtk etc. What’s less important for us novices currently is that programs there can be compiled binaries or programs written in scripting languages. Point is, since they are executable programs, you can run them. Try it. Navigate to it, list the files inside, pick one and run it simply by typing its name.

2) A command built into the shell: bash provides a number of commands internally called shell builtins. The cd command, for example, is a shell builtin, mr Shotts says.

3) A shell function: miniature shell script, built into the environment. For the time being, we’ll just mention it, as it will be covered in the following weeks.

4) An alias: commands you can define yourself, using other commands. Also coming in the following lessons.

Now, it’s useful to know what type of command we’re dealing with. And we can find out using…

…type You can use type + command to inspect what kind of command is the command you’d like to use. You do it by simply typing: type command and you’ll get an output. For example:

type mkdir


type ls

…where we can see that the ‘ls’ command is actually an alias of ‘_ls’!

which Sometimes (but rarely on a desktop system, though) there are more versions of one executable installed on a machine. To find out the exact location of a given executable, we can use command which. Additionally, it only works with executable programs.

which transmission-gtk

Now, mostly every command has documentation that comes with it. So you’re somewhere doing your CLI thing, no access to the internet so you can’t bug geekos on the forums or IRC, and you need to find out how to exactly use a command.  You can do it two ways. First being…

…help help command works with shell builtins (the second category we have mentioned above). So you can pick a shell builtin, like cd, for example, and simply type help cd. You’ll get a helpful page printed out in your terminal, so go ahead and read what cd has to offer. It shows in what ways you can use the command, what options you can use (it’s in square brackets, which means they are optional! Also, if there’s a vertical separator inside the square brackets, it means the options mentioned are mutually exclusive. Don’t use them together!)

–help help works only for the shell builtins. But most executables work with –help. As far as usage goes, it’s similar to help, but you have to type –help after the command you want to inspect. For example, transmission-gtk –help. Try it out, and see what options you can use with that executable etc.

man Most executables come with a formal documentation page. You can inspect it using the man command. You just enter man program, and see what it prints out. Pick any program on your computer, and try it out. For example, let’s try man transmission-gtk. You get a file opened, split into categories. It gives you information what the program is, what it does, how you can use it etc., but it doesn’t offer examples, as it’s not a tutorial.

And we’re stoping to a halt there.

I’d like to take a minute and thank everyone commenting and contributing to this section. You make this series vastly better, and I hope that with your help, us noobs will be able to use the CLI basics by the end of summer (just in time for 13.2 :) ). You guys are the best. Newbie users like me, who are feeling lost, stick with it. It will pay off in the end!

And I’d also like to add a formal heads up: part six will not come next Tuesday, as I’ll sadly be away, so we’ll see/hear each other in 14 days, on July 29th. And until then…

…have a lot of fun!

Source: openSUSE News


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Vs: Announcing openSUSE on ARM Release Candidate 1
« Vastaus #116 : 16.07.2014 - klo:19:00 »
openSUSE Summit – Registration Starts today
16 July 2014, 5:39 pm

We announced the openSUSE Asia Summit yesterday and here we are already opening up our registrations for the summit. We welcome you with open hands to visit our conference and also enjoy the rich Chinese history in and around Beijing.

The openSUSE Asia Summit 2014 website is up on and we’re looking forward almost as much to your visit there. as a real life appearance at the event. You may register in our conference submission tool before Sep 30th. We are looking forward to having you with us on this Oct  in Beijing.

Want a summit Tee Shirt? Be a Speaker!!!geekos! Our call for papers is also open: you can shoot in your sessions proposals! Once you are part of the summit roaster your talks and presentation will be added to our tracking system in order to generate a schedule. All speakers will get a cool summit tee shirt too.

The theme of our summit is

“openSUSE – openSUSE – Bring you to the free world!” We have four tracks.
  • End User Track
  • Business Track
  • Community & Project Track
  • Technology & Development Track
For any of the four tracks
  • Lightning Talk (10 mins)
  • Short Talk (30 mins)
  • Long Talk (60 mins)
  • Workshop (2 hours)
You can submit your abstracts imn our conference submission tool. The submission period begins today, and closes Aug 18. Note that the first bunch of accepted proposal acceptance emails will be sent on Sep 1, allowing you to start planning your trip already.  Come join us and have fun!!!

Source: openSUSE News


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« Vastaus #117 : 17.07.2014 - klo:19:04 »
openSUSE Board Announcement
17 July 2014, 4:58 pm

Hi all,

It’s with some regret that we have to announce that Vincent Untz, our current openSUSE Board Chairman, has chosen to step down as a result of a happy personal event that will take up a lot of his spare time in the months (and years!) to come.

We as the board would like to thank Vincent for his contributions to the project and the board over many years and hope that he will continue to be part of our Project, just in a different capacity, for a long time yet.

As we know the chairman of the board is an appointed position. SUSE as the primary sponsor of our project has come to the conclusion that Richard Brown, one of our current Board members, should be the new Chairman, effective from today. Congratulations Richard!

With the change in role for Richard his elected Board seat becomes vacant. We are discussing various options to fill the seat for the remaining 5 months until the next election, please stay tuned for an announcement in the next couple of weeks.

Your openSUSE Board

Source: openSUSE News


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Vs: Announcing openSUSE on ARM Release Candidate 1
« Vastaus #118 : 22.07.2014 - klo:01:01 »
openSUSE Asia Summit announces its logo contest
21 July 2014, 11:20 pm

The first openSUSE.Asia Summit will be held in Beijing, China in Oct, 2014. However, no Summit or Conference is successful without a symbol. The openSUSE Asia Summit organizing team is organizing a logo design contest. The best logo will be awarded with a special super secret Geeko Prize. The logo will be used for all promotional and marketing activities for the summit.

The Rules of the Contest are pretty simple :12_1vs13_1

  • We will accept only SVG format for original design. Both color and monochrome(black and white) version are required.
  • The elements of your design should reflect the openSUSE community in Asia.
  • Please note that there are some things should not be used in your design:
    • No brand names or trademarks of any kind.
    • No illustrations some may consider inappropriate, offensive, hateful, tortuous, defamatory, slanderous or libelous.
    • No sexually explicit or provocative images.
    • No images of weapons or violence.
    • No alcohol, tobacco, or drug use imagery.
    • No designs which promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against groups or individuals; or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age.
    • No religious, political, or nationalist imagery.
  • Your art work should comply with “openSUSE Project Trademark Guidelines” published at:
  • You should also agree that the openSUSE community have right to interpret the usage of the artwork.
  • All your artwork will be licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
A few simple guidelines can be found at:

Please send your design to directly. It should contain the following:

  • Vector file of the design in attachement, with svg format ONLY.
  • Bitmap of design in attachment – image size: 256*256px at least. Format: png or jpg. Less than 512KB.
  • Your name.
  • Where are you working/studying now.
  • Your phone number.
The contest is open from now until Aug 18, 2014. After that, the openSUSE.Asia team will filter all submitted designs and put the ones which meet the requirements to the website for voting.


  • The final decision will be made by openSUSE.Asia Summit Committee. Please understand that the highest vote score of the design may not be designated as the final winner.
  • To create your artwork, we recommend to use Inkscape, which is a powerful vector graphics tool for all kinds of design. It’s free and open sourced.

Source: openSUSE News


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  • Jäsen
  • Viestejä: 554
Vs: Announcing openSUSE on ARM Release Candidate 1
« Vastaus #119 : 24.07.2014 - klo:19:00 »
openSUSE Asia summit needs Python Developers
24 July 2014, 1:00 pm

The news writer from SUSE office snuck into the openSUSE Asia’s trello board and found that they will use an open source voting tool for their upcoming halpevents. Snoek is a voting tool developed during the SUSE Hackweek by Beijing R&D Team, SUSE. Snoek is written in Django and is eagerly seeking out more django developers to add more features to it like OpenID support and richer (picture, link) voting item support.

Source code of snoek can be found at :

and Yifan has also written a nice to get you started.

All that is required is a little django and python knowledge from a fellow Geeko.

As a big “Thank you” for your efforts, the developer will also receive a free tee shirt shipped to his place.

Source: openSUSE News